2014, Number 3
Evaluation of the lyophilized culture of Candida albicans used in quality certification schemes
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 321-329
PDF size: 90.73 Kb.
Introduction: the microbiological control laboratory at the Basic Enterprise Unit Liorad Laboratories stores a collection of microbial cultures for the preservation of microorganisms, including the Candida albicans yeast used in the quality certification schemes established for the evaluation of assays such as fostering of culture medium growth and validation of microbiological techniques, among others.Objective: evaluate the results obtained in the preservation of this strain by the lyophilization method during a period of eight years.
Methods: for strain growth, use was made of Saboraud broth culture medium as well as variants of pure lyoprotective substances such as 20 % skimmed milk, 20 % glycerol, 10 % saccharose and 5% peptone, and the mixture of lyoprotectors (10% milk, 5 % saccharose, 5% glycerol). An evaluation was conducted of the viability, purity and genetic stability of the strain during the study period.
Results: characteristics typical of the study species remained unchanged with a high degree of purity in all the variants examined. As to survival, a marked reduction in viability was observed when pure lyoprotective substances were used, but not with the mixture of lyoprotectors, in which case viability levels exceeded the established limit during the entire study period.
Conclusions: the survival values obtained for this microorganism indicate that preservation for long periods with mixtures of lyoprotectors was a good option for the preservation of C. albicans.
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