2014, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2014; 52 (3)
Bacteriological analysis of inert surfaces
González HSL, Lozada MM, Santiago RI
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 314-320
PDF size: 93.74 Kb.
Objective: analyze microorganisms present on inert surfaces which represent a
health hazard for students.
Methods: an observational cross-sectional exploratory study was conducted from
February to July 2012. Random sampling was performed using the swab method.
Seventy-two samples were obtained. The study surfaces were tables, microscopes
and trays, i.e. the surfaces most commonly touched by students.
Results: fungi were found in 100% of the cultures. Bacteria were found in 66%. Of
the latter, 25% (12) were normal flora bacteria, 62.5% (30) were opportunistic,
and 12.5 (6) were pathogenic.
Conclusion: tables and microscopes in teaching laboratories were contaminated
with fungi and bacteria such as Salmonella paratyphi A and Salmonella sp., which
constitutes an infection hazard for students doing laboratory practice.
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