2015, Number 1
Combined endoperiodontal injury secondary to trauma incisal
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 87-95
PDF size: 141.85 Kb.
Introduction: in dental practice, it is common to find clinical situations in which, in a cursory examination, it is not clear whether this is an endodontic, periodontal or a combination of both affections, so that the classification of these lesions is performed in relation to the primary source of origin which may be pulp or periapical and from these structures affect the tooth as a whole; spreading the infection process, even the bony ridges. There are no marked difference in age groups and sex.Objectives: the aim of this paper is to present a case of combined endoperiodontal injury secondary to incisal trauma and the importance of radiography for diagnosis.
Facts of the case: female patient with a history of previous health comes having pain and enlargement of deep red upper central incisor region, radiographically injury involving the apical thirds of central and lateral incisors appear, showing vitality in this one. It was treated by the emergency service by cameral access.
Main comments: It was necessary in a variety of both clinical examination and diagnostic tests for differentiating between true endodontic and periodontal lesions. The definitive diagnosis could only be established on the basis of clinical and radiographic findings. Combined periodontal and endodontic treatment was performed with a good prognosis.
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