2015, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2015; 29 (1)
Level of information of palliative care found in resident physicians
Hernández QOT, Arbelo FM, Reyes MMC, Medina GI, Chacón REJ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 14-27
PDF size: 154.95 Kb.
Introduction: non-communicable chronic diseases like cancer are priority
problems in the Cuba healthcare system. Palliative medicine is devoted to giving
care to patients with active, progressive, irreversible and advanced illnesses with
limited lifetime prognosis and is focused in reducing the suffering and raising the
quality of life of the patients and their relatives.
Objective: to characterize the level of information that the residents from the
medical faculty of 10 de Octubre municipality have on palliative care.
Methods: theoretical methods such as the documentary analysis and system
approach as well as empirical ones such as survey.
Results: in the sample, 52.1 % of physicians had graduated over 10 years ago.
They had little information about the palliative medicine, the conceptual aspects
and the diseases that the multidisciplinary team should care of. The lack of
information on pain relief makes the analgesic treatment be inadequate and opiods
be underutilized. Knowledge on palliative medicine was then considered as lacking
in 87 % of the surveyed physicians.
Conclusions: there is neither a correct identification of diseases in need of
palliative care nor good management of the analgesic scale set by WHO with
morphine use indications. The residents admitted that their knowledge on this area
was poor and that the systematic teaching of the use of palliative care techniques
should be included in the undergraduate and the graduate educations.
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