2015, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2015; 26 (2)
Therapeutic education for women of childbearing age with diabetes mellitus
González PK, González CTM, Cruz HJ, Conesa GAI
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 182-192
PDF size: 111.61 Kb.
Introduction: diabetes mellitus has a great impact on public health in all regions
of the world. The population universe affected by this condition includes women of
childbearing age, who require therapeutic education so they can enjoy reproductive
Objective: describe some aspects related to the therapeutic education of women of
childbearing age with diabetes mellitus.
Development: women of childbearing age with diabetes mellitus may suffer from
both pregestational and gestational diabetes. Those with pregestational diabetes
should be informed of and sensitized to the importance of planning their pregnancy.
This essentially includes the achievement of optimal preconceptional and
periconceptional glycemic control, leading to the desired maternal and perinatal
outcomes. Women with gestational diabetes should also receive therapeutic
education about the disease, as well as information about the future risks involved.
To achieve such a purpose, healthcare providers should be aware of the relevance
of the clinical care and educational aspects of diabetes mellitus ever since the
disease is diagnosed, applying a comprehensive approach in which account is taken
of the patient's body and mind, as well as the social environment.
Conclusions: therapeutic education is an essential component in the treatment of
persons with diabetes mellitus, including women of childbearing age. The latter
should receive appropriate instruction about their disease, which will lead to their
enjoyment of reproductive health.
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