2015, Number S2
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salud publica mex 2015; 57 (S2)
Antiretroviral therapy delay initiation in Mexico
Magis-Rodríguez CL, Villafuerte-García A, Cruz-Flores RA, Uribe-Zúñiga P
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 127-134
PDF size: 346.98 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the prevalence of delayed- initiation
(DI) of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for people with
HIV attended at the Ministry of Health (SS, for its initials in
Spanish) in Mexico, and to describe its behavior over time
(2008-2013) and differences by gender and age.
and methods. Descriptive and sectional study of people
entering ART in the period 2008-2013 in the SS. The prevalence
of DI ART (CD4+ ‹200 cells/ml) was estimated and
differences according to sex and age were analyzed.
The DI ART prevalence was 49%, having decreased 10% in the
period. In men was 4.8% and 24.5% in women (
p‹0.01). The
15 to 29 years group also showed a decrease.
Despite the decrease in ART DI prevalence, it still remains
high. It is necessary to generate comprehensive screening
strategies with multisectoral participation.
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