2015, Number 3
Prognosis factors of death in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Language: Spanish
References: 32
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Introduction: it was performed a cohort study in patients with a diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, who were hospitalized in the service of General surgery at "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" Provincial University Hospital in Bayamo, since May 1, 2008 until May 31, 2009.Objective: To identify the prognostic factors of death in patients with upper gastrointestinal.
Method: from 255 patients studied, 18 died (7.1%). In the unvaried analysis of all factors studied, only sex (RR = 0.879, CI = 0.328 to 2.351; p = 0.797) had no connection with the death. Hemoglobin levels (RR = 2.290, CI = 2.792 to 6.628; p = 0.017) and patients over 65 years (RR = 1.349, CI = 0.514 to 3.536; p = 0.054) had relationship with death by UGB. The variable that had more to do with the magnitude of death was bleeding (RR = 24.50, CI = 7.041 to 85.253, p = 0.000.
Results: The logistic regression model showed that severe bleeding (OR 17.704, 95% CI 7,653- 33.089) followed by hypovolemic shock (OR: 9.428, 95% CI 1.784 to 29.539) and heart failure (OR 5,604 CI 95% 2,539- 32.085) evidenced an independent, statistically significant relationship with the risk of dying.
Conclusions: it can be said that with the values obtained by adjusting the logistic regression function for independent factors influencing death, you can estimate the risk of death of our patients.
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