2014, Number 1
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Enfermería Universitaria 2014; 11 (1)
Nursing student’s enrollment profile. Iztacala and Zaragoza Superior Studies Faculties, UNAM
González-Velázquez MS, Lara-Barrón AM, Pineda-Olvera J, Crespo-Knopfler S
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 11-18
PDF size: 257.91 Kb.
Introduction: The University has as one of its tasks to better know the profiles and trajectories of
students, so that supporting innovative and functional policies can be designed and implemented.
Objective: To analyze the profile of students enrolling into the Nursing Undergraduate System at
the Iztacala and Zaragoza Superior Studies Faculty.
Method: Basic-descriptive study with freshmen students of the 2011-I generation of the Nursing
Bachelors Degree program at the FES Zaragoza and Iztacala. The population was 600 alumni. A
questionnaire was used to gather data. The instrument reliability was equivalent to a 0.875
Cronbach Alpha score. A SPSS
® database was created and data were analyzed through descriptive
Results: The 49% of the students came from the “automatic pass” format. The enrollment grade
point average went from 8.1 to 9.0. For the 61% of the students, nursing was their first choice
of major. The socioeconomic level of the students was low. The 76% of the students obtained a
grade point average between 8.0 and 10.0 during all their freshman year.
Discussion: Unlike other careers at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Nursing
accepts almost 50% of the prospects from external schools, situation which does not occur
in other careers. Although the majority of students who entered have a low social-economical
level, they have other favorable characteristics for their school trajectory such as a good grade
point average and that they were accepted in the career that they chose.
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