2015, Number 3
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS infection in Yara during the period 1986-2014
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Introduction: acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease that has evolved as an epidemic, provoking several deaths in the world, because in a few years it has reached a universal distribution.Objective: to identify the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS infection.
Method: it was performed a case series type-observational study in order to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of HIV infection in Yara municipality in the period of 1986-2014.
Results: in Yara municipality it was confirmed that HIV/AIDS mainly affects urban settlements, young adults and males, whose average educational level is a factor related to the occupation, which affects the social behavior, prevalence of HIV-positive patients identified with the heterosexual orientation.
Conclusions: it was evidenced the effectiveness of epidemiological surveillance in primary health care in the timely identification of HIV/AIDS, which is a strength of the sector in the municipality.
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