2015, Number 05
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MediSan 2015; 19 (05)
Some specificities on mortality associated with hemorrhage due to gastroduodenal peptic ulcerous disease
García OL, Piña PLR, Rodríguez FZ, Romero GLI, Escalona RM
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 658-674
PDF size: 285.37 Kb.
At present the diversity of criteria on the epidemiological, clinical and surgical
characteristics of the high digestive hemorrhage non varicose constitutes a true scientific
problem, due to their high lethality and mortality rates, so that it is of great importance
to identify the complications prognosis factors and death, inherent to this clinical entity,
in order to elaborate a performance protocol and good practices, once the modifiable
conditions which decrease the number of deaths due to this cause are recognized, mainly
in the aged population as vulnerable group, from where the transcendency of its social
medical impact would be derived . All this justifies the necessity to deepen in the main
cognitive aspects related to this topic, since just having highly specialized working teams,
it will be able to rise the assistance quality and, with that premise, the survival index of
those who suffer from that type of bledding caused by acid peptic disease.
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