2015, Number 3
Effect of the modified Klammt's elastic open activator class III in patients with labiopalatal fissures
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 149-156
PDF size: 237.27 Kb.
Introduction: patients with labiopalatal fissures require a long-term therapeutic plan in order to guarantee a total growth of the stomatognathic system.Objective: to determine the effect of using the modified Klammt's elastic open activator class III on transverse and anteroposterior occlusal relationships in patients with labiopalatal fissures in the phase of postsurgical active growth.
Methods: a prospective analytical study of postsurgical intervention was carried out in children with labiopalatal fissure at the «José Luis Miranda» Pediatric Hospital from Villa Clara, Cuba. Sample was constituted by 30 children of both sexes between 6 and 9 years of age, who were treated with the modified Klammt's elastic open activator class III; morphological aspects of the occlusion such as overjet, molar relationship, and transversal width were evaluated two and a half year before and after therapeutic intervention.
Results: positive changes in molar relationship occurred after the treatment: incisal overjet and transversal width were increased.
Conclusions: positive changes occurred in all the morphological variables studied after using the modified Klammt's elastic open activator class III.
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