2015, Number 2
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Acta Med Cent 2015; 9 (2)
Effectiveness of treatment with phytodrug and acupuncture techniques of aphthous stomatitis
Pacheco AM, Fleites RY, Trujillo GB
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 18-27
PDF size: 147.20 Kb.
Aphthous stomatitis is a common affection in primary care of Stomatology Services and one of the urgencies of this specialty. A prospective quasi-experimental study was conducted from June 2012 to January 2013 at "Paula Maria Morales Pérez", Rural Teacher Polyclinic belonging to the town of Jibacoa, with a group of patients (10) to which we applied the standard treatment for aptha and other conventional treatment for sores and other (10) to which is applied the acupuncture scheme and the use of calendula as a mouthwash and local application. There was a predominance of women between 18 and 24 years of age with the disease, at the 48 hours pain was considered by most patients as moderate in both groups and sent before the fourth visit, in both groups treatments was effective –it is observed a higher number of cases in the study group- and moderately effective and not effective in more patients in the control group and three cases of adverse reactions were presented –two belonged to the study group-. Individual medical history was made which collected all the data and they were tabulated manually and using the Excel program.
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