2015, Number 2
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2015; 19 (2)
Ambulatory follow-up to the alcoholic patients
Montanet AA, Bravo CCM, Díaz VMM, Pérez CM
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 244-252
PDF size: 146.70 Kb.
Introduction: the management of alcoholic patients constitutes a challenge concerning their necessary willingness to be helped, which is an indispensable attitude to achieve the objectives.
Objective: to determine the characteristics of the alcohol use disorder in patients attending to the provincial office for addiction of the Community Mental Health Center belonging to Pedro Borrás Astorga health area in Pinar del Río.
Material and method: a descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 250 alcoholic patients who were treated in the provincial office for addictions of the Community Mental Health Center belonging to Pedro Borrás Astorga university polyclinic in Pinar del Río during the last 5 years (2009-2013). An individual characterization of the patient according to clinical history, along with an interview for the patient and family was carried out.
Results: male sex prevailed (52.8%), out of them 18% were single and 29.2% divorced, during alcohol intake, the greatest group with 38.4% was included between 5 to 10 years. The syndrome of alcohol abuse or dependence appeared in 56.7% of the patients, whereas 66.4% suffered from a harmful intake with relapses. The treatment included Metronidazole (38.5%) ambulatory way, Disulfiram (46.4%) and Acamprosate in hospital due to the lack of availability.
Conclusions: male sex prevailed, ages between 31-50 years old, length of treatment and abstinence in the group from 7 months to 5 years stood up. Individual psychotherapy associated with Disulfiram, Metronidazole and Acamprosate was the most notable therapeutic; showing that to address patients' alcohol problems and to get rid of alcohol intake a combined therapy is required.
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