2014, Number 2
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Ann Hepatol 2014; 13 (2)
SALLuting a new biomarker in hepatocellular carcinoma
Inghilesi AL, Marra F
Language: English
References: 21
Page: 305-307
PDF size: 67.47 Kb.
Text Extraction
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth
most prevalent cancer worldwide and the third most
frequent cause of cancer-related death, with increasing
incidence in traditionally low-frequency regions
like the United States and Northern Europe. A
relevant proportion of patients with HCC present
with advanced disease, and the only approved therapy
in this subgroup is the multi-kinase inhibitor sorafenib,
approved in 2008. The lack of novel and/or second-
line therapies, and the limited survival benefit
provided by sorafenib underscore the urgent need
for novel treatment options in advanced HCC. This
goal may be more easily achieved with a better understanding
of the molecular pathogenesis of this
cancer, which is characterized by a marked heterogeneity.
Unfortunately, the molecular mechanisms
leading to HCC diversity and to its variable prognosis
are still far to be defined.
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