2014, Number 4
|Brainsteam teaching aids system and direction of the independent work
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 617-627
PDF size: 426.31 Kb.
The brainstem is characterized for its small dimensions and the complexity of its structure. The system of aids were made to offer to students, the knowledge related to the external and internal configuration of the brainstem, with a level of organization and representation that permit the systematization and integration of its morphology and physiology characteristics, contributing thus to the correct direction of the independent work. The system includes models and sheets, each model possesses its guide of fixing. It possesses a pamphlet that complements the theoretical information according with its level of updating and deepening. It facilitated the integration between external and internal configuration of the brainstem, permitting the basic and clinical linking and the inclusion of the student to independent cognitive activity. It is concluded that the system of teaching aids contributed to the correct direction of the independent work of the students, as well as its himself preparation.REFERENCES
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