2014, Number 3
Project intervention to prevent stroke in older adults attending to a senior care home
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 286-293
PDF size: 70.16 Kb.
Introduction: in the municipality of Sagua the Big one took place during the last five year period an increment of the morbilidad and the mortality in bigger adults for illnesses cerebrovasculares, problem of health that worries for the grade of functional permanent inability that provokes when it is achieved the patient to survive.Objetive: he/she was carried out an investigation cuanticualitativa of descriptive traverse type, in bigger adults linked to the house of grandparents, of the Popular Council Cheerful" "Villa belonging to Policlínico Revolved" "Idalberto, of the municipality of Sagua the Big one, county Villa Clara, in the period understood among the months of January from 2012 to June of 2013. The universe was constituted by bigger 30 adults and the sample was integrated by 25, selected by the non probabilistic intentional sampling method by approaches.
Results: that the biggest adults with factors of risk of illnesses cerebrovasculares were characterized for the I prevail of the feminine sex, the white race and the age bigger than 75 years. It was identified that most has toxic habits and they present one or two factors of risk at least, among the most frequent the arterial Hypertension; ischemic Cardiopatía and the Diabetes Mellitus. Most possesses inadequate knowledge on the illnesses cerebrovasculares.
Conclusions: because older adults with risk factors for cerebrovascular diseases linked to the grandparents' house had mostly one or two risk factors and have inadequate knowledge about cerebrovascular diseases, specialists consider relevant and feasible project for prevention of these.
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