2015, Number 2
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AMC 2015; 19 (2)
Burns in pediatric age
Moya REJ, Moya CY, Labrada RYC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 129-137
PDF size: 741.08 Kb.
Background: burns in children are a therapeutic challenge for the multidisciplinary medical team that takes care of the treatment. Seriousness of the injuries depends on the extent, depth and damage of the airway and on the optimum resuscitation, among other factors that can affect the life of the patient.
Objective: to determine the mortality and morbidity caused by burns in pediatric age in patients treated in the Burn Unit of the Manuel Ascunce Domenech Teaching Hospital of Camagüey, from 2009 to 2012.
Method: a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was conducted. The universe was composed of 139 children who suffered from burns during this period. The non-probabilistic sample coincided with the universe. The following variables were studied: age, sex, ethological agents, prognosis rate, month in which the injury and the hospital stay took place.
Results: the 71, 21 % of the injuries were in children under five years old; boiling liquids turned out to be the main cause of the injuries in the 73, 38 % of the patients.
Conclusions: small children were the most vulnerable to injuries caused by burns. There were not diseased patients with this condition.
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