2015, Number 2
Mammographic, cytological, and ecographic correlation in the diagnosis of breast cancer
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 119-128
PDF size: 555.98 Kb.
Background: breast cancer is the second cause of death due to this condition and its diagnosis is based on the obtaining of risks factors, finds in the physical examination, imaging tests, and the microscopic test.Objective: to establish the mammographic, cytological, and ecographic correlation in the diagnosis of breast cancer.
Method: a prospective, correlation, descriptive, case series study was conducted in a universe of 94 patients with the diagnosis of any type of breast cancer treated in the Celia Sánchez Manduley Provincial Teaching Hospital, Manzanillo, Granma, from January, 2013 to June, 2014. The data were obtained from medical histories. Ecographic, cytological, mammographic finds and their correlation with the postoperative biopsy by paraffin inclusion were determined, establishing the definite diagnosis.
Results: ecographic finds of a hypoechoic solid mass of irregular and non-defined margins predominated, as well as mammographic finds of a radiopaque image of spicular, irregular, non-defined margins. The correlation among the diagnostic tests was of 0, 83.
Conclusions: the results of the ecographic, cytological and mammographic diagnosis in breast cancer increases the possibility of detecting the disease to almost-absolute values since there is a high correlation coefficient.
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