2015, Number 04
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MediSan 2015; 19 (04)
Deficiencies in the use of the clinical method for the classification of pneumonias acquired in the community
Pérez CAE, Benítez SE, Viamonte TM, Guerra CE, Chang FA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 493-502
PDF size: 773.48 Kb.
A prospective, descriptive and longitudinal study of 62 patients with community- acquired
pneumonias, admitted in “Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany” Teaching Provincial Hospital in
Santiago de Cuba was carried out from January to April, 2014, with the aim of identifying
deficiencies in the use of the clinical method for an appropriate classification of these
pneumonias. The results showed difficulties in the stages of the clinical method, as well
as a shorter frequency of the description of the symptoms: fevers and abrupt chills,
retrosternal pain and extrarrespiratory manifestations. Those patients affected referred
no local changes of vocal vibrations, areas of parenchymatous dullness, tubal murmur
and herpes labialis, and they really had these findings; besides, interstitial and even
lobar infiltrates were also omitted in the thoracic x-rays. These deficiencies directly
contributed to an inadequate identification of the pneumonias and a disproportionate
lowering of the agreement rates between the diagnosis at admission and of discharge of
the patients.
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