2015, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2015; 21 (1)
Woman´s coronary artery desease in Cardiovascular Institute
Borges MYR, Nápoles SI, Batista HE, Hechavarría PS, Guevara MG, Borges MYC
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 3-8
PDF size: 444.88 Kb.
Introduction: Coronary arterial disease is one of the fatal leading causes in women all over the world. But many of them undervalue the threat that this constitutes for their health, having different incidence, evolution and forecast in terms of sex, what has harmed significantly the woman since three of every 10 deaths that take place in the feminine population are health-related cardiovascular.
Objective: To determine behavior of coronary artery desease in women in the Cardiovascular Institute during the year 2013.
Methodologic design: An observational, descriptive, transversal study was done using a population of 532 patients from which a sample of 345 were selected using the EPIDAT statistics program. Descriptive statistics were used the results were presented as test and graphs.
Results: The 38 % positioned themselves in the age bracket from 60 to 69 years, high blood pressure was in number one factor of risk with 62.3 %, the increment of the age associates to the affection of multiple glasses in a 37.9 % associating to the affection of trunk, in 54.4 % of the sample ICP regardless of the type had total success of injury.
Conclusion: The bigger patients of 60 years were the largely affected associating to the affection of multiple glasses.
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