2014, Number 1
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Geroinfo 2014; 9 (1)
Cirugía menor en adultos mayores en el Policlínico Universitario
Alonso E, Díaz PO, Gutiérrez PCL, Dávila PC, Calvo SDD, Álvarez LJ
Language: Spanish
References: 17
PDF size: 398.71 Kb.
Purpose: The minor surgery includes a series of surgical procedures of simple and brief
technique, carried out on superficial fabrics or you structure easily accessible, I lower it
anesthetizes local and scarce risk of complications significant postoperative. The efficiency
of the smallest surgery in terms of costs has also been evaluated positively, establishing
that its cost-effectiveness is better when he/she is carried out in the primary level of
attention that in the hospitals. Our study had as general.
Objective: To characterize the
development of the smallest Surgery in the University Policlinic "Rafael Valdés" in the
elderly in the years 2011-2012.
Methods: Study observational, descriptive, longitudinal, of the type series of cases of prospective character, in the years 2011-2012.
Results: The total of patients was 118, those which 118 of the feminine sex and 62 of the masculine
sex. The sebaceous cysts and the lipomas representing more than 70% of the cases. They were carried out 144 exéresis of 180 carried out procedures. There were two
reactions you wander them and a granuloma like complications. The result of the biopsies throws 6-basocellular carcinoma: 13.
Conclusion: The biggest number in the assisted
patients was of the feminine sex. The most frequent pathologies were the sebaceous cysts and the lipomas. The exéresis was proceeding more carried out. The reaction vagal andg ranuloma of the wound were the presented complications. The basocellular carcinoma was the result of more frequent biopsy.
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