2014, Number 1
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Geroinfo 2014; 9 (1)
Valoración funcional en adultos mayores. Policlínico Universitario 'René Bedia'. Municipio Boyeros. 2012
Crespo GA, Hernández EY, Rowley AJ, Claro PN
Language: Spanish
References: 27
PDF size: 99.25 Kb.
Descriptive study, traverse in elderly belonging to the Clinic Not: 1 of the area of
health of the University Policlínic "René Bedia", municipality Boyeros, in an
understood period of January to December of 2012, with the purpose of carrying
out the 60 year-old population's functional valuation and more. The sample
belonged to 90 old men, being excluded those that didn't want to participate in the
study. Epidemic clinical variables were analyzed by means of direct interrogation
and two instruments were applied to evaluate physical and mental functionality.
You concluded that it prevails the feminine sex and the group of age of more
prevalence in both sexes it was that of 60-74 years. The most frequent illnesses
were: Arterial hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus type II and osteoarthritis. When
applying the Index of Katz the independent bigger adults they prevailed, coinciding
with the group of 60-74 year-old age. With the test of Yesavage elderly prevailed
with a normal affective state. Relationship existed among the independent bigger
adults with normal affective state, followed by the less dependent ones with
deterioration fast of the affective state and those that are dependent with evident
affective deterioration.
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