2015, Number 1
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Acta Med Cent 2015; 9 (1)
Bioethical aspects of palliative care to patient oncohematologic
Alonso MOL, Alonso MAL, López LA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 95-101
PDF size: 105.60 Kb.
Palliative care of a patient with cancer involve a number of complex decisions with
ethical implications, to provide quality of life, to understand the suffering and death
and always safeguard the dignity of the person. A cross-sectional, descriptive and
analytical study was conducted in the Ward of Palliative Care, in "Celestino Hernández
Robau” University Hospital of the Province of Villa Clara, Cuba, in the period from
January to June 2012 to describe the main ethical dilemmas facing health professionals
related to palliative care with oncohematologic patient care. The study sample was
composed of 32 professionals, there was a predominance of specialist physicians and
nursing graduate, female sex, in the fourth decade of life, almost half had religious
beliefs and over twenty years experience in the most ethical position on the attitude
towards death was predominant orthotanasia. The main bioethical problems in oncohematologic patient care are home-hospital death and information and
communication. The ethical approach to patients with cancer is a dynamic process that
requires ongoing discussion, reflection and change.
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