2014, Number 2
Current evidence on the proposals of local intervention for diagnosis and management of social determinants of health of the cuban population
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 239-262
PDF size: 173.15 Kb.
Social determinants of health are the social conditions where members of a particular population are born, live and work. This article was aimed at documenting the current evidence on the proposed local intervention for the study and management of social determinants of health of the Cuban population. From a structural perspective, the health service variables show differences among the regions, mainly associated to the existence of a single health system with universal coverage and access for the entire population. Greatest differences are observed in the behavior of "non-medical determinants" such as population density, economic production and circulation, these differences showing a geographical pattern. Differentials are also observed in the behavior of maternal mortality and hypertension among regions and in the course of time. Economic productivity and living conditions are poorly related to other result indicators. Given the abovementioned, a methodological proposal for the study and management of social determinants of health was presented. Some study spaces of local social determinants are required at local level through multivariate techniques whose results provide inputs for the design of integrated interventions, based on strategic planning approaches, intersectoral action and social involvement. Therefore, an approach to work more with the social determinants of health is required to be integrated into the Cuban health system. A model for local study and intervention were suggested in this paper in order to attain this goal.REFERENCES
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