2014, Number S1
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CorSalud 2014; 6 (S1)
Sudden cardiac death in risk population
Ochoa MLA, González LM, Vilches IE, Fernández-Britto RJE, Araujo GRE
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 71-78
PDF size: 263.26 Kb.
Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of premature death and disability in the world. Half of these deaths are due to sudden cardiac death.
Objectives: To investigate its occurrence in a period of 11 years in a population of Arroyo Naranjo, Havana, Cuba, and perform a clinical and epidemiologic characterization of deaths from this cause.
Method: The WHO definition was used, to which the period of time from the onset of symptoms from 1-6 hours (in the presence of witnesses) was extended. In the absence of witnesses, it extends up to 24 hours from the last time the victim was seen alive, and in cases of survival, thanks to the use of mechanical devices, the time of death was considered as the moment the patient was under such life support systems.
Results: There were 10,014 natural deaths in 11 years, of which 1,000 (10 %) were considered as sudden cardiac death and from these, 607 (60.7 %) had a coronary origin; 959 deaths ( 95.9%) were individuals over 45 years old and 534 (53.4% ) were men. 60.8 % of sudden cardiac death occurred in out-hospital settings; 36.7 % in the morning hours; 74.9 % of the deceased had coronary atherosclerotic lesions and in 49.2 % the presence of fresh coronary thrombus or AMI, or both was demonstrated.
Conclusions: Because of its high incidence and the social impact it causes, the global challenge posed today by sudden cardiac death, requires the design and implementation of research aimed at finding predictors in vulnerable population groups, with the ability to discriminate those potentially affected from those who are less likely to die.
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