2014, Number S1
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CorSalud 2014; 6 (S1)
Sudden death in the climacteric and menopausal women. Important risk factors
Lugones BM
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 56-64
PDF size: 540.11 Kb.
Introduction: Sudden cardiac death occurs, in 90% of cases, in the population with atherosclerotic risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, physical inactivity and obesity, among others.
Objectives: To define the influence of these risk factors in women in the climacteric and menopausal stage.
Method: A literature review on atherosclerotic risk factors in this stage of life was conducted. Traditional factors (hypertension, type II diabetes mellitus, lipid profile, metabolic syndrome, overweight, obesity, abdominal obesity, physical inactivity and smoking), and conditioning factors, such as hormones and the changes occurring in this stage were considered, as well as their association with the climacteric syndrome.
Results: There is cardiovascular risk in women at this stage and the incidence of risk factors is different. There is also a significant relationship with the hormonal changes of this stage, therefore women are more at risk than men, with a greater influence in women with severe climacteric syndrome. There is a predominance of testosterone that seems to be associated in a number of metabolic syndrome components. Postmenopausal women with a history of polycystic ovary syndrome have more cardiovascular events.
Conclusions: Most of the changes in risk factors for atherosclerosis in women occur related to hormonal changes. There is lack of knowledge of the differences in clinical presentation as well as lack of prevention.
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