2014, Number 256
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16 de abril 2014; 53 (256)
Caracterizacion de gestantes Rh negativas que acudieron al banco de sangre provincial de Guantánamo. 2009–2012
Barcelay LFA, Sánchez GF, Odelin MEH, Charro PO
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 43-54
PDF size: 97.45 Kb.
Introduction: The most common Rh incompatibility occurs when an Rh negative pregnant woman is exposed to Rh positive fetal red blood cells secondary to fetal
maternal hemorrhage during a spontaneous or induced abortion, trauma and invasive obstetric procedures or a normal delivery.
Objective: To describe Rh negative pregnant women attending the Provincial Blood Bank of Guantanamo.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive study during the period January 2009 to January 2012 was performed. The population consisted of 952 patients who came to determine their blood type and factor.
Results: 60.3% of Rh negative pregnant women had at least one abortion. Of all patients was only 1.1% sensitive and 80% of them had 2 or more pregnancies.
Conclusions: A high number of Rh negative pregnant women had three or more pregnancies and very few of these patients received blood transfusions.
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