2015, Number 03
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MediSan 2015; 19 (03)
Survival of patients with primary neoplasias of the hepatobiliopancreatic segment
León GWL, Kénol Saint–Surín, Rodríguez LH, Romaguera BD, Rodríguez FZ
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 328-336
PDF size: 183.89 Kb.
A descriptive study of 60 operated and discharged patients with diagnosis of primary
cancer of the hepatobiliopancreatic segment, assisted in the General Surgery Service
of "Saturnino Lora Torres" Teaching Provincial Clinical Surgical Hospital in Santiago de
Cuba was carried out in the period 2005-2011, exposed to an scheme of postoperative
follow-up, with the objective of identifying the factors related to the survival for 5
years. The global survival was 17.6%, although it was higher for the gallbladder
neoplasias and pancreas, associated with the diagnosis in the stages I and II, to the
healing surgery and to the auxiliary treatment with cytostatic. It is concludes that the
low survival of these patients is determined by the late diagnosis of the morbid
process, so that a better interrelation is imperative between the primary and
secondary levels of care, as well as to establish work groups for the development of
surgery of the hepatobiliopancreatic segment in each hospital, so that they allow the
uniform protocol of the behaviour to be followed.
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