2015, Number 03
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MediSan 2015; 19 (03)
Infection due to the human papillomavirus in the oral cavity
Estrada PGA, Márquez FM, González HE, Nápoles PMM, Ramón JR
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 300-306
PDF size: 48.87 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 75 sexually active couples was carried out, treated
in the Stomatology Department from Specialties Polyclinic belonging to "Saturnino Lora
Torres" Teaching Clinical Surgical Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January , 2010
to the same period of 2014, with the aim of determining the presence of the human
papillomavirus in the oral cavity. The clinical intraoral exam was carried out, and the
colposcopy was used as corroborative diagnostic procedure. It was found that all the
members of the series suffered from this infection, in spite of being asymptomatic in a
subclinical stage during which small exophytic injures were observed, increase of the
vascularization and of white epithelium. The cytological and histological results obtained in
the exfoliative cytology and the biopsy confirmed this viral agent's presence inside the cell.
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