2015, Number 1
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2015; 17 (1)
The teaching and learning of the subject Orthodontics in the dentistry career in Cuba
Pérez GLM, Cáceres PI, Caraballosa YEG
Language: Spanish
References: 24
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Background: The didactics of Cuban stomatological sciences accumulates experiences that justify the current characteristics of the teaching-learning process in the subject of Orthodontics in the dentistry career.
Objective: To identify the historical aspects that distinguish the process of teaching and learning in the subject of Orthodontics in Cuban stomatological education.
Methodology: the analytic-synthetic method, logical and historical method and document analysis with review of medical databases of well-recognized prestige were used.
Development: It was possible to establish a logical sequence of significant events in the teaching and learning of the subject of Orthodontics since its inception, four decades after the start of stomatology, its evolution with variations on the name, including themes, location in the study plan and identifying shortcomings, currently present.
Conclusions: Despite the ascending improvement there are still shortcomings in the teaching and learning of the subject of Orthodontics that can be overcome by taking the most contemporary of didactic teaching today.
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