2015, Number 1
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Finlay 2015; 5 (1)
Anthropometric indicators to determine the obesity and its relations with the cardiometabolic risk
Cedeño MR, Castellanos GM, Benet RM, Mass SL, Mora HC, Parada AJC
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 12-23
PDF size: 185.99 Kb.
Background: it has become a controversy if obesity
per se is an independent cardiometabolic risk factor it
self or it influences like a contributing element of other
factors, specially hypertension, insulin resistance and
Objective: determining which of the anthropometric
parameters used to quantify obesity is more associated
to the cardiometabolic risk factors.
Methods: a correlational and descriptive study in 105 workers of the Medical Sciences University of
Cienfuegos from June 2011 to July 2013. There were
operationalized like clinical variables: measurement of
the abdominal waist, index of corporal mass, cutaneous
crease and blood pressure; and like variables of
laboratory: total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, glucemia
and tri-glycerides. It was calculated the correlation
coefficient of Pearson with 95 % confidence interval.
Results: it was evidenced a light increment of total cholesterol in individuals of the masculine sex at
expense of HDL, without modifications in the rest of the
variables. In no obese individuals a bigger propensity to
the cardiometabolic risk was observed. The index of
greasy mass did not show significant correlation with
the rest of anthropometric parameters. There is a
narrow correlation among individuals with altered
abdominal waist and the criteria established for the
diagnosis of metabolic syndrome.
Conclusions: the perimeter of waist constitutes a
parameter of essential measure in the obese patient's
evaluation, independently of the IMC, since it has been
demonstrated a positive association between abdominal
obesity and cardiometabolic risk.
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