2014, Number 4
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Rev Mex Cir Pediatr 2014; 18 (4)
imil-exit in the management fo gastroschisis, comparative study
Cisneros-Gasca LC, Pérez-Lorenzana H, Jiménez- García G, Mendoza-Reyes E, Barba-Ruiz E, Córdova-Jarero S, Cruz-Reynoso L
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 169-182
PDF size: 769.17 Kb.
Introduction: Gastroschisis is an abdominal wall defect, it is the principal cause of admition to neonatal unit care, with low survival in developing
countries. Several techniques have been described for its treatment. Simil-Exit technique is a perinatal approach that has shown good results. The
objective is to analyze the results of the Simil-Exit surgery.
Material and Methods: A prospective, longitudinal, comparative and observational study was done in one and a half year in patients undergoing
Simil-Exit and gravity reduction technique.
Results: We included a total of 37 new borns with gastroschisis, 20 with Simil-Exit technique and 17 with gravity reduction technique. In the Simil-Exit
group we observed better results in patients with prenatal care, and birth was anticipated in those with intestinal distress.
Discussion: Patients who were included in a protocolized Simil-Exit technique had higher survival, lower mechanical ventilation days, lower rates of
infection and death. Otherwise the success depends of a proper prenatal control and a fetal medicine and pediatric surgery group management
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