2015, Number 2
Results of the application of a weaning protocol from the mechanics ventilation
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 96-110
PDF size: 229.55 Kb.
Introduction: The weaning process is carried out with the objective of restoring the patient to spontaneous ventilation in the minor possible time; when it is prolonged the number of complications associate and permanency at intensive care can increase.Objective: To establish a protocol of precocious and sure weaning in order to diminish the ventilation time and the complications associated with mechanics ventilation, at Provincial General Educational Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola Hospital, in Ciego de Avila.
Method: Investigation in three stages: exploratory retrospective descriptive study of patients with lingering ventilation that were entered in the adults intensive care unit during the period from January, 1997 to December, 2004.
Results: Elaboration of a protocol, keeping in mind the best scientific evidences applicable to the context and determination of predictors starting from approaches of experts (thorax X rays valuation, FOUR scale, PEEP levels, PaO2/ FiO2 relation, presence of cough reflection, Fr/ Vt, inotropic drugs doses, static lung compliance and pulse oximeter. The protocol was validated, it consists in four phases: before weaning, weaning in course, extubation and postextubation and it includes a methodology for its implementation, evaluation and adherence.
Conclusions: The protocol application permitted to minimize the failure intents in the weaning, which diminished the ventilation time and the associated complications to mechanics ventilation.
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