2015, Number 1
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2015; 20 (1)
Toxic effects of lead
Azcona-Cruz MI, Ramírez AR, Vicente-Flores G
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 72-77
PDF size: 454.72 Kb.
Environmental lead exposure is a global public health problem. According
to the World Health Organization (WHO), lead exposure has
been a source of complications especially by chronic exposure, and is
estimated to cause 143 000 deaths each year. The concept of lead poisoning
(saturnism, plumbism or lead poisoning) has been defined based
on the scientific evidence regarding the toxic effects of lead, at levels
of 10 μg/dL or more in adults and 5 μg/dL or more in children; which
can originate renal and bone disorders, seizures, cerebral edema and
eventually death. It has been reported that chronic exposure promotes a
reduction of the intelligence quotient (IQ), hyperactivity and antisocial
behavior in children and adults. Lead has no known function in the
human body, but it can compete with the metabolism of calcium and
iron. Therefore WHO strongly suggests that no level of lead exposure
can be considered safe. Nowadays, diagnosis and treatment are defined;
however, recently it has taken in consideration the implementation of
specific recommendations in each population. It is important to emphasize
that lead poisoning is completely preventable, so it is relevant
the broadcasting of prevention strategies capable of reducing these
health complications, including the reconsideration of the norms and
the regulation of levels of lead in Mexico.
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Disponible en: http://www.who.int/es/
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