2014, Number 19
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INFODIR 2014; 10 (19)
The health sector in cuban economy during 2004-2011 period
Marrero AM, Gálvez GAM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 3-12
PDF size: 390.87 Kb.
Introduction. The public health sector and value of health services provided in
and out of the country, reward significant budgetary allocations and level of
investment of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the country, which
impacts"significantly" in the economic performance of the nation in this period.
Objectives. To describe the relationship between the results of the Cuban economy
and the health sector in the period 2004 to 2011.
Method: A longitudinal study of budgetary allocations, investment level of GDP to the
health sector and the health contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from
2004 to 2011 was performed.
Outcomes. The existence of a close relationship among the results of the GDP, the
total budget its the contribution of the health sector, an issue that reflects the complementarity among these aspects.
Conclusions. During the period 2004 - 2011
the Cuban economy has maintained a modest growth associated, among other
elements, to the health sector contribution to the GDP formation according to
calculation methodology established. Levels of budgetary allocations are among leader
sector at current Cuban economy. Gap among budgetary allocations levels and
contributions of health sector may explain the increase capacity of budgetary level to
the sector which allows improvement of services provided.
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