2012, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2012; 38 (1)
The labor in different positions through the science, the history and the culture
Lugones BM, Ramírez BM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 134-145
PDF size: 191.54 Kb.
The different positions adopted by women during delivery have been important
milestones through the history; some of them are not fully solved. In past years
with the development of science, the delivery assistance has been performed in a
hospital environment and with a specialized staff and thus, most of western women
have their deliveries in the dorsal position, which supposedly allow physician a
better control of fetus status securing a safe delivery, mainly to guarantee its wellbeing that is why now we said that the way of deliver has changed, controlled
by mobility and verticality, to passivity and flatness. The objective of present paper
is to make a review on the main positions of pregnant in labor and the delivery
through the history, supported by scientific, historical and cultural criteria where
the habit has had a great influence in many parts of the world.
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