2015, Number 2
Interactive resources and social networks in the information about sexual and reproductive health provided by the Cuban press: the section 'Sexo sentido' (Sex sense) in Juventud Rebelde daily
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 94-106
PDF size: 101.47 Kb.
As part of the so-called Web 2.0, social networks are associated with an increase in the interaction and cooperation between users, as a result of greater horizontality and interactivity. In a context of growing use of social networks and interactivity resources, their inclusion in digital communication spaces about health has become a relevant issue. The purpose of the present paper is to analyze the use of interactive resources and social networks related to health in the Cuban press, based on the case study of the section "Sexo sentido" ("Sex sense") in Juventud Rebelde daily. Based on both a quantitative methodology (analysis of measures of central tendency) and a qualitative one (discourse analysis), results show the differences in the use of interactive resources and social networks in the section, as well as the various tendencies present in the subsections, and between the contents about education and sexual health, respectively. It is concluded that the technological, message and cultural dimensions mediate the differences in the use of interactive resources and social networks in this health communication space.REFERENCES
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