2014, Number 2
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Rev Cub Oftal 2014; 27 (2)
Atypical anophthalmic cavities observed in patients seen at 'Ramón Pando Ferrer' Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology
Carrazana PYM, Ramírez GLK, Rojas RI, Gómez CC, Cárdenas PFY, Trujillo FKM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 180-188
PDF size: 163.51 Kb.
Objective: to describe the behavior of atypical anophthalmic cavities.
Methods: aprospective and descriptive study was conducted in patients with
atypical anophthalmic cavities seen in the ocular plastic surgery service from
January 2009 to July 2010. The analyzed variables were sex, age, cavity abnormalities, and surgical treatment.
Results: of all patients seen, 57 % were males and 43 % were 30 to 49 years-old. In this group, 90,2 % had conjunctival anomalies, being the inferior fornix
retraction the most significant with 33.8 %. Among the surgical techniques used, the conjunctival reinsertion of the fornix was the most performed in 38 % of cases.
Conclusions: the highest number of patients was males and the predominant age group was 30-49 years; conjunctival alterations were predominant, mainly the
inferior fornix retraction. The most used technique was the reintegration of the conjunctiva.
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