2014, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Farm 2014; 48 (3)
Azithromycin and cardiovascular effects reported to ther Cuban System of Drug Surveillance in the period of 2003 through 2012
Alfonso OI, Calvo BDM, Jiménez LG, Lara BC, Broche VL
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 519-528
PDF size: 97.39 Kb.
Introduction: azithromycin is a semisynthetic antimicrobial macrolide which is said
to be associated with cardiovascular effects such as the prolongation of QT interval
and disorders of the heart rate that may be fatal. The Food and Drug Administration
has warned about a slight rise of mortality and risk of death in people treated for 5 days
with this antibacterial drug; the International Center of Monitoring in Uppsala has
also registered some cases.
Objective: to characterize the adverse cardiovascular reactions to azithromycin
reported to the National Coordinating Unit of Drug Surveillance from 2003 through
Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study based on the
national drug surveillance database and on the voluntary notifications of adverse
reactions. The study universe was the patients with adverse reactions to
azithromycin. The cardiovascular reactions were classified by type of reaction,
severity, imputability and frequency. The patients presenting with adverse reactions
were studied according to their sex and age.
Results: one thousand and nine hundred sixty adverse reactions to azithromycin
were reported in the study period; 96 of them were cardiovascular reactions for 4.9 %
of the total amount. They were predominant in females (55.2 %) and in adults (75 %).
Palpitations accounted for 44. 8% (43 patients) followed by tachycardia and chest
pain. They were moderate in 67.7 % of cases, probable in 71.9 % and occasional in
60.4 %. Regarding reaction, 31.3 % of them could have been prevented and the
predominant reason was the inadequate prescription of the drug in 70 % of cases.
Conclusions: although no adverse cardiovascular reactions causing death have
been reported in individuals treated with azithromycin, one third of them could
have been prevented, therefore it is recommended to perform more proactive
surveillance on this drug and all types of reactions should be duly reported to the
Cuban drug surveillance system.
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