2015, Number 2
Oral health promotion and level of knowledge regarding the first permanent molar in children
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-23
PDF size: 270.75 Kb.
It was performed a descriptive and transversal study in the stomatological office of the school "Luis Ángel Rodríguez Muñoz" in Manzanillo during the period of September 2012 to June 2013 with the aim of promoting the oral health and increasing the level of knowledge of dental caries and the first permanent molar in children about 6-11 years old. The universe consisted of 433 children and the sample was made by 60 students. The investigation included a first stage in which it was offered ambulatory assistance to the children until they were discharged from the basic services, and a second stage in which it was applied an educational intervention program designed by the authors. The information was obtained through the medical record and a survey was applied to students and parents. Both documents included the following data: age, sex, oral hygiene, eating cariogenic diet and level of knowledge. As the most important result it was obtained an increase in the level of knowledge in these children, an improvement in the oral hygiene and the control of the main oral diseases that characterize the school age.REFERENCES
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