2004, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2004; 140 (3)
The Long Way Toward Mexican Cardiology.
de Mcheli A
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 347-352
PDF size: 682.65 Kb.
The evolution of medical thought from the precientific
phase during Renaissance toward the beginning of scientific
phase in the XVII Century, is reviewed. This phase was
dominated by the great event of the discovery of blood
circulation. The irradiation of this doctrine was parallel to
that of Copernican theory. Harvey, the starter of experimental
method in medicine, graduated at the University of Padua,
where previously studied Copernicus. There he was
influenced by Galileo’s teaching, from whom adopted the
quantitative focussing for his physiological research. His
monograph Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis... was
present in México, although it is not possible to establish
when it arrived here. Only in the physiological treatise of
doctor Marcos Joseph Salgado (1727) the blood circulation
is described following Harvey’s doctrine. Studies in the
cardiovascular field began here during French intervention
, at the same time of the development of our Academy of
Medicine. The first observations, concerning the blood
vessels, were of surgical interest. Between 1870 and 1900,
around 30 thesis related to cardiovascular system were
presented at Mexican Medical School and various books
related to this field were published. At the end of XIX
century and in the beginning of the XX, some cardiovascular
pharmacological investigations were done at the National
Medical Institute under the direction of Dr. Fernando
Altamirano. However only toward the middle of XX century
it was possible to create and sistematize a cardiological
specialty, thanks to the foresight of Dr. Ignacio Chávez.
Cardiology today constitutes a mother discipline fragmented
in a great number of subspecialities, each one having own
characteristics, methodology and focussing.
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