2014, Number 2
Nursing care process applied to a patient with a pressure ulcer with suspected deep tissue damage
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 60-69
PDF size: 312.27 Kb.
Introduction: A pressure ulcer is defined as an ischemic injury which is located in the skin and underlying tissues, over a bony prominence, caused by prolonged pressure, friction or shear forces. 95% of cases are preventable, and the remaining 5% occur due to patient conditions that do not allow modifying risk factors. Objective: To make interventions for a patient with suspected deep tissue injury, where the interventions made by the Wound Clinic are established. Methodology: Clinical case study in male aged 33, descriptive, prospective and longitudinal with monitoring for a month, based on the process of nursing care of Virginia Henderson conceptual approach addressing three altered needs. Diagnostic and plans are based on the taxonomic interrelationships NANDA-NIC-NOC. Results: 3 real diagnoses were identified in the need for security; the main diagnostic category was impaired skin integrity; secondaries were risk of infection and acute pain. A risk diagnosis was established: impaired skin integrity. Conclusion: Through established interventions by applying wet environment therapy full resolution and healing of pressure ulcers with suspected deep tissue damage where observed, without progression to more severe stages, allowing that the patient went home to continue treatment and outpatient follow-up.REFERENCES
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