2015, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2015; 53 (2)
Perception of health and safety risks among workers pathology laboratories
Alvarado-Cabrero I, Valencia-Cedillo R
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 206-213
PDF size: 77.67 Kb.
Background: Health care workers are experiencing increasing numbers
of occupational illnesses. Safety practices in anatomical pathology
laboratories (APL) are crucial to prevent unnecessary exposures to both
chemical and biological agents.
Methods: The main goal of this study was to determine if pathologists
perceptions and actual practice mirror regulatory guidelines. Current
available recommendations for APL were reviewed and used to construct
an online survey distribuited to pathologists. The survey was completed
by 121 participants.
Results: Eighty-seven (72 %) of respondents reported receiving inadequate
safety training. Most Pathologists (82 %) were not well-informed
about biosafety practices. Sixty-three (52 %) participants felt that the
risks of chemical and infectious disease exposures in the APL were low.
Most respondents reported having a needle stick or cut (71 %). Eightysix
(71 %) of participants reported musculo skeletal problems.
Conclusions: This study indicated that there is a need for improving
training in anatomical pathology safety practices in Mexican Laboratories
as daily practices do not reflected current guidelines.
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