2015, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2015; 19 (1)
Heterotopic pregnancy in an infertile patient with polycystic ovary syndrome
Verdecia SEE, Lima LN, García DMC, Matos GS
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 180-187
PDF size: 314.96 Kb.
This is a 23-year-old patient who began her follow up infertility consultation at V. I. Lenin General Teaching Hospital. She had a History of being a healthy woman. Taking into account the sonographyc and humoral studies the polycystic ovarian syndrome was diagnosed and the patient was prescribed with cipresta for 6 months and Metformin (1000 mg) daily. At the end of the treatment with cipresta the management with ovulation inducer, clomifeno (50 mg) treatment was given, once a day between the fifth and the ninth day of the menstrual period and human chorionic gonadotropin (10 000 U) when the follicle was bigger than 18 mm, getting to ovulation, and after three months of treatment she came to the consultation with eight weeks of amenorrhea, but with vaginal bleeding. A week later the diagnosis of heterotopic pregnancy was confirmed. A left salpingotomy was done, continuing the pregnancy up to 40, 1 weeks of gestation when the spontaneous delivery of a normal apgar and weight female neonate.
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