2015, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2015; 19 (1)
Third upper molar retained in maxillary sinus. Presentation of a case
Amador VAA, Hung QOA, Menéndez DD
Language: Spanish
References: 6
Page: 160-165
PDF size: 279.76 Kb.
A 38-year-old black, which came to Consultation of Maxillofacial Surgery at Lenin Hospital, from Neurosurgery Department was reported in this paper. The patient was referred to study due to be the subject of several studies of skull (including TAC) due to headaches maintained from moderate to high intensity. The results of the studies were negative. The patient received drug treatment to relieve the painful symptoms also described other signs and symptoms such as hair loss, visual detriment to the right side (blurred vision, discomfort), diffuse facial pain and swelling in right side of the face. Physical examination revealed nothing to indicate, with sinus x-rays the presence of a third molar in the right maxillary sinus was diagnosed. The patient was taken to the room and through elective Caldwell-Lud technique, the molar was extracted. The patient progressed favorably.
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