2015, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2015; 19 (1)
Prosthodontics state and oral health in patients that requested denture repairs
Romero JCR, García RB, Genicio OS
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 38-50
PDF size: 352.04 Kb.
Introduction: an oral health improvement can influence positively in the quality of life because buccal health is a general health component.
Objective: to determine the prosthodontics state and buccal health aspects in the patients that requested denture repairs.
Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study in patients requesting denture repairs at “Manuel Angulo" dental clinic from February to December 2011 was done. The sample comprised 1 772 patients with dentures among 1 802 patients. Interview and clinical examination were performed. Percentage calculation and difference of proportions test were used and the results were showed in simple frequency distribution charts.
Results: the greatest number of patients requiring repairs was of female sex representing 60.8 % as well as the age group between 51 to 60 (29.4 %). Upper partial denture was the most fixed one, being the complete fracture the most common repaired object (32.6 %). The frequency and the improper way of oral hygiene were seen in 95.1 % of patients and 85.3 % of them were considered unacceptable. Denture stomatitis was the most frequent alterations detected in the buccal mucous (71.4 %).
Conclusions: the majority of patients with repaired dentures that considered it unacceptable had poor hygiene habits and injury in oral tissues.
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