2014, Number 3
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2014; 13 (3)
Maternal morbility and mortality for influenza A H1N1. Hospital Enrique Cabrera, September 2009- April 2010
Mena PG, Díaz MJ, Pérez AA, Naranjo IS, Calixto AD
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 249-259
PDF size: 169.02 Kb.
Introduction: In the influenza A (H1N1) it exists an increment of the risk in the pregnant
women, accompanied by a high morbility and mortality, an increase of the
hospitalizations and of the severity.
Objective: Characterizing the maternal morbility
and mortality for influenza A H1N1, during the lapsed period between September 1st of
2009 to April 30th of 2010.
Method: Descriptive, retrospective study in 164 obstetric
patients admitted in the intensive care unit of the Hospital "Dr. Enrique Cabrera," where
the sources of information were the clinical histories and the book of registrations of
intensive cares. The percentages as measure of summary for the qualitative variables
were used, for the quantitative variables were used as measure of central tendency the
half and the standard deviation as expression of dispersion.
Results: The pregnant
women of the second and third trimesters were the most affected. Almost two of the
third parts of the patients were diagnosed and received treatment in the first 72 hours of
the beginning of the symptoms. The clinic forms that prevailed were the viral pneumonia
and the exacerbation of the bronchial asthma. The presentation of the ARDS was as low
as the necessity of mechanical ventilation. The cardiovascular and renal complications
were inferior to the reported ones in several countries and in other intensive care units of
our country.
Conclusions: The most frequent complications were the hidroelectrolitic
disorders and basic acid. The presentation of the ARDS was low, the same as the
letality in the serious forms of the illness.
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