2015, Number 1
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Gac Med Mex 2015; 151 (1)
Desigualdades socioeconómicas en la utilización de servicios de salud bucal (USSB) alguna vez en la vida por escolares mexicanos de 6-12 años de edad
Jiménez-Gayosso SI, Medina-Solís CE, Lara-Carrillo E, Scougal-Vilchis RJ, de la Rosa-Santillana R, Márquez-Rodríguez S, Mendoza-Rodríguez M, Navarrete-Hernández JJ
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 27-33
PDF size: 83.38 Kb.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and the existence of socioeconomic inequalities in dental health service utilization
(DHSU) any time in the life of Mexican schoolchildren aged 6-12 years of Pachuca Hidalgo, Mexico.
Material and methods:
We performed a cross-sectional study in 1,404 school children 6-12 years of age from 14 public schools in the city of
Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. Questionnaires were distributed to determine socioeconomic position variables (SEP). The
dependent variable was DHSU once in life (0 = No, 1 = Yes). The analysis was performed in Stata 9 using chi-square tests.
Results: The mean age was 8.97 ± 1.99 years, 50.1% were boys. The prevalence of DHSU any time in life was 71.4%. The
DHSU percentage increased according increasing age (p ‹ 0.05). Significant differences (p ‹ 0.05) in percentages of USSB through SEP variables: health insurance, car ownership in the home, dwelling and household characteristics, a
better level of SEP increased prevalence of DHSU. Although in the mother’s schooling no differences were observed (p › 0.05),
father’s schooling was associated (p ‹ 0.05) inversely to expectations.
Conclusions: The findings of this study demonstrate
that the prevalence of DHSU was not 100%; 28.6% of children have never had contact with a dentist. We identified certain
indicator variables of SEP associated with DHSU, indicating the existence of inequalities in this oral health indicator
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