2015, Number 2
Work of antidrug prevention in Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 92-107
PDF size: 143.41 Kb.
Background: the programs undertaken by the higher education for the prevention work against the use of drugs constitute solid platforms for the work of healthy promotion of lifestyles.Objective: to expose, through a historical review, the prevention work against the use of drugs in Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: it was carried out a descriptive research work with a historical approach, in the period 2011-2012; theoretical methods were used, among them: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical; and empirical methods: the documental review.
Results: inside the historical antecedents of the antidrug work, the main work lines contained in the different documents are analyzed: dispositions, resolutions and programs orchestrated by the revolutionary Government even before the triumph of the Revolution, in Cuba and especially in Villa Clara. The strategy implemented in the university is derived of that outlined in these documents, and it specifies in the necessity of including this thematic in curricular as well as in extracurricular activities with the participation of all the factors that participate in its prevention; the comprising actions are described.
Conclusions: the antidrug prevention work has always been inside the priorities of the Cuban State, for the dangers that its consumption implies for the young people; the strategy of the university is centered in the training of the health professionals who interact with the students, identification and attention to risk groups, the activities of epidemic control and the prohibition of the consumption of all type of drugs.
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