2015, Number 2
Learning necessities about bucco-maxillo-facial rehabilitation in residents and Neurosurgery specialists
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 51-61
PDF size: 124.66 Kb.
Background: bucco-maxillo-facial prostheses comprise the morfo-functional rehabilitation of the intraoral and paraoral structures using artificial means.Objective: to identify the learning necessities and the inadequacies in the development of abilities about bucco-maxillo-facial rehabilitation in residents and Neurosurgery specialists.
Methods: it was carried out a cross-sectional descriptive research work in the University Hospital "Arnaldo Milián Castro" of Villa Clara, from January to May 2014. Theoretical methods were used: analytic-synthetic, historical-logical and inductive-deductive; empiric methods: documental analysis of the Neurosurgery specialty program and the upgrading plan of the last 5 years, and a survey in questionnaire form with brief answers was applied to the study population and the 5 specialists in Neurosurgery were interviewed.
Results: the study plan treats the contents of bucco-maxillo-facial-rehabilitation insufficiently and in the postgraduate forms don't offer any upgrading on the topic in the last 5 years; most of those interviewed declared to have lack of knowledge in this therapeutic modality. The generality doesn't know the constitution of the multidisciplinary team that participates in the rehabilitation of the patients and even very few of them have visited the existent specialized center in the province. All pled for a postgraduate modality where they can appropriate of the necessary contents.
Conclusions: deficiencies were stated about bucco-maxillo-facial rehabilitation in residents and Neurosurgery specialists; it was shown that it is necessary to strengthen their preparation to conform a multidisciplinary team of great complexity that it is required in this therapeutic modality.
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